Who Am I?

Well if you haven’t visited the about me section yet, heres a post to tell you all about who I am.

My name is Karlee Brown. I live in Grand Rapids with my fiancé and our two fur babies.

My fiancés name is Logan. Our pets are Wallace and Wilma. Wallace the goofy looking dog and Wilma the extremely furry siamese cat. We thoroughly enjoy our time in Grand Rapids. We moved here from a small town  called Ionia. I loved Ionia but living in a bigger city is somewhat more exciting! So many new things to do especially at my age of 23. There is just so much to offer.

Grand Rapids is known for its art, music, and of course its beer! I don’t drink however so the beer isn’t my thing but getting to see artists from all over the country and even the world in Grand Rapids is amazing. Watching up and coming musicians at all the different bars and venues is great too.

My fiancé is in a band called Red Legs, so this city definitely has some perks for them. They play at a lot if different local bars and venues. They actually sound pretty good to if you cared to listen 😉 Grand Rapids is definitely up and coming in Michigan. It just has so much to offer! If you’re ever in the area don’t be afraid to reach out!

Why Photography?

I started photography in 2010, when I was 17 years old. My business became official in 2011 and at this time I have been in business for five years. Photography for me started by taking photos of my friends, who at the time were seniors in high school so of course they needed some cheap senior portraits. My mom had a nice camera, a Canon Rebel, it was an 8 megapixel DSLR that I used with it’s kit lens. She bought it to take photos of my sister and I during our marching band competitions and sporting events.

I was able to mentor under the photographer that had taken my senior portraits that same year. Her name was Kelly Burke or known as KellyLynn Photography. She taught me everything I needed to know on how my camera works and where to go from there.

I started school at Grand Rapids Community College and achieved my Associates Degree of Art in Photography. GRCC was a great learning experience and gave me the much needed guidance on what type of gear to get, what type of settings are best to shoot in, and of course more knowledge on how to use my camera. At this point in time, I was already “running” my business while going to school. It was quite a challenge to try and balance both of them.

Over the last five years I have had some ups and downs as every business does but I could not imagine myself doing anything else with my life. I love photography and I love seeing myself excel and showing that through my work. Am I where I would like to be in photography? Not quite yet but I’m definitely getting there and I am most definitely very proud of where I am today. It’s only been five years, I’ve still got a lifetime of learning ahead of me and I am so excited to see where this endeavor takes me in life.

The End Is Near.

My goals for the next couple years is to really pursue my niche and focus on those types of photography that I really love to do. The hard part is figuring out what that niche is. I really love shooting senior portraits, but I also really love shooting weddings. The occasional family portrait session can be a lot of fun too. In the end I’m sure I will have changed my mind multiple times before deciding what that niche is but I am really looking forward to the process in trying to figure that out.


Well everyone, thanks for listening! Here are a few of my favorite photos from 2015!

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