Self Portraits

There comes a time when I feel like I need to challenge myself a little. I like to do that by taking self portraits.

This past week I decided to try my hand at taking self portrait engagement photos of me and the fiancé. It is much easier to take a self portrait of two people compared to just myself. Using Logan, I actually had something to focus the camera on rather than setting up the manual focus on the spot that I might stand at.

I usually use a remote trigger but this day I didn’t have mine so we just used the timer that is already built into the camera. Let me tell you, it was tiring running back and fourth haha. Logan was such a good sport about it though, he let me pose us however I wanted and we even did three “different” locations too. We plan to take some self portrait engagement photos throughout the summer at different locations around West Michigan. I am beyond excited to try these out but of course we will most likely get engagement photos done by a professional just for the experience 🙂



My set up for these was my Canon 6D sitting on a tripod using my 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. I am so in love with this lens. Probably the best purchase I have ever made!

Are you getting married anytime soon? I still have just a handful of dates available for the 2016 year, I am also booking into 2017! Contact me to get your digital welcome packet and to go over any questions you might have! I cannot wait to marry my best friend in Oct. 2017!

New Beginnings

My post today won’t be filled with tons of beautiful photos. It won’t be filled with fun little things about each session. It is going to be just me getting personal and talking about those things that I love.

I have been contemplating for the last couple weeks on switching my business over to shooting only weddings and seniors. Why? Because thats what I LOVE to do. I am beyond nervous as all creatives are when thinking about making such a switch but I think in the end it will be what is best for me.

Of course I’m nervous I’ll loose clients or even some friends. Of course there is a chance that I’ll cave and end up shooting children or families to those repeat clients that mean so much to me. But I think over all making this switch is definitely what my business needs to strive. I feel like I need to follow my heart and push myself to make this switch.

Why weddings?

Let me tell you, weddings are a TON of work. Trust me, I could go crazy with how many hours I sit at my desk editing weddings but I don’t. I don’t go crazy because I honestly love doing it. Being able to photograph two people on one of the most important days of their lives is magical. It’s like I get to finally see that Disney princess marry her prince and I get to capture it all so these lovely couples can remember those moments forever.

I get to be the one behind the scenes, seeing your wedding day from an outsiders point of view. I get to capture you crying to your mom with tears of happiness after you see yourself get into your dress. I get to see the groom worrying that his boutonnière isn’t put on right and how upset she will be if it isn’t. I get to see the parents scurrying around trying to make this day the best day of their child’s life. It is an amazing feeling being in that position. It is a scary position, but amazing none the less.

Plus, seeing such a strong bond between two people is just beautiful. Seeing how much they can really love each other and being able to see that shine through in their photos just gives me so much more joy and pride in this job

So why weddings? Because, why not?


Now I’m sure you’re wondering,

Why Seniors? 

Hmm seniors. They are something else. Working one on one with a senior is really my chance to let them shine. They get to be who they really want to be and more. Seniors are probably my all time favorite subject to shoot. I don’t know if its because most of them are just a few years younger than I am or what but I always just have to much fun!

A few great things about shooting seniors is all the hype we get before the session even starts. Planning outfits, figuring out those perfect locations, talking about hair and make up and the list goes on and on. Once the session actually starts, we are prepared to do what it takes to get that perfect shot.

I love that most of my seniors really care about the input that I have in their session. They trust my judgement and are willing to let me take control on certain poses and locations! We always have so much fun, and my seniors always get really into it! My goal for shooting seniors is giving them the best experience they have ever had and something that they will remember for the rest of their lives.

Watching a senior go through their images in awe after I have wrapped everything up and finished them all gives me some sort of giddy feeling. Some awesome feeling of accomplishment. The looks on their faces and of course their parents faces is one of the best feelings in the world. Knowing how happy they are about their images and figuring out their favorites of the group really makes me see why this job is so worth it. Why its so worth all the time and effort I put in to make it such a wonderful experience for them. I love hearing about how much they love their images even after their session is over!

So here I am to say it. I will be switching over permanently in the summer sometime this year. I’m sure some of you have noticed subtle changes to the website and other social media platforms but I want you not to worry. I will still be taking family sessions for the rest of this year! I will also be offering different mini sessions throughout the year 🙂 I’ve got a lot of fun things planned for the littles!
Right now I’ve got  Lemonade Stand Minis scheduled for June 5th. I have slots available so if you’d like to book for that you just let me know!

I will also be running a few other minis throughout the year such as
Free Fair Minis- Ionia Free fair
Back to School Minis/Fall Minis
Hot Chocolate stand Minis
Holiday PJ Minis
Christmas Minis
and who knows what other ideas I’ll have coming up over the year!


Thanks everyone for reading!

Mr. & Mrs. Watters

I met Amber a couple years ago when I shot her sisters wedding! This year Amber asked me to be a part of their big day by just coming for a couple hours and shooting some family portraits and portraits of just her and her soon to be hubby!

Ambers daughter is also my senior model. You would have seen a post about her earlier in the year! Her name is Jade! It was so much fun to work with this family again especially for such a big moment in their lives. They are such a genuine family and so very nice and caring. It makes it so easy and so much fun to work with them!

Amber and Cassey did a first look. A first look is something a little non traditional where the groom gets to see the bride prior to the ceremony. In their case, they did the first look to save time and to get some more pictures than they would have! The first look gives so much more time for photos, its amazing! It is definitely something I would suggest doing if you are worried about being crunched for time on your big day.

Their wedding took place at St. Patricks cathedral. A gorgeous church in Portland MI. Amber-1Amber-2Amber-3Amber-4Amber-5Amber-6

After waiting so patiently in the cold to see his bride, he had the smile of the century when he finally turned around! The love between these two is amazing. Just by the way he looks at her, you can tell how much she really means to him. Amber was looking gorgeous on her big day with her lovely lace dress, these two were truly happy to be finally tying the knot!


I loved the inside of this church! I have been here many times before but this time I truly focused on the columns and other architectural aspects of the church for some of these shots. It’s just absolutely gorgeous.


I am still booking weddings for 2016 and into 2017! If you’re interested in more information send me an email to receive your digital welcome packet!

Mr. & Mrs.Kuipers

I had the honor of photographing the Kuipers wedding! I met Mrs. Kuipers through our photo program at GRCC. We had a lot of classes together and became good friends in school and outside of school. I remember even when she met Mr. Kuipers!

The minute I saw these two together I knew how Tyler made Aubrey feel. It was so special to see all that love between them, even in the early stages. They are two amazing people and their wedding day was absolutely gorgeous. Here are some previews from the first half of their wedding ❤

The Girls:


The Guys:


The Ceremony:


The Bride, Groom, and their party


These two are just wonderful people and I am so very happy for both of them! Shooting such a big event for people you care about is so special. I couldn’t believe Aubrey chose me to do the photos, it was such an honor to be a part of your day Mr. and Mrs. Kuipers!

The Proposal

Today’s post is going to be a little more personal, so beware of the sappy love writing.

As girls we always dream about that perfect man we are going to marry one day. I met my perfect man in 20o9. We didn’t start dating however until almost 2011 but we were pretty close in between there. Well could you imagine that after four years of us being together, living together, having pets together and all of that other lovey dovey stuff, he proposed.

I had been on him about proposing making not so subtle hints about it but he always seemed not that interested. He was a college kid and we were still trying to make it in life so stress could have been a factor. I’d make jokes and he would just laugh it off.

Well on October 10th 2015 that perfect man of my dreams proposed to me and I didn’t have the slightest idea it was happening. Everyone around me knew though and this guy planned the entire thing in about 4 days. I was shocked and in awe of his skills and how he pulled this off. He always has a way of surprising me, and trust me I am always beyond surprised.


The day started great. My birthday is October 11th so on the 10th Logan wanted to get some photos done for my birthday. I had mentioned to him before that we needed some updated photos. I had a shoot that morning so once I got home, my girlfriend came over to do my make up because they didn’t want me looking…well…like me, a dirty mess who doesn’t know how to do her hair or make up haha. He had our very best friend, Jordan Parham lined up to take our photos. P.S. he is amazing at what he does and you should check him out.

We got to Aquinas College, a gorgeous campus near our home, to take some pictures. We get to the first spot and Logan started spewing off all of this lovey dovey stuff about us and how much he loved me and I was so confused as to why he was doing that in front of Jordan. I thought, how is Jordan going to get any good pictures with your mouth moving but he just kept talking!

All of a sudden, I felt Logan’s hand start shaking and that instant I knew what he was doing. I was shaking my head thinking to myself “holy sh** what is happening!” (pardon my french) Next thing I knew, he was down on one knee and I was sobbing like a baby. It was the most amazing moment of my life


That man of my dreams finally asked me to be his, forever. That little butterfly feeling you get when that cute boy talks to you at school, well this was ten times worse. That cute boy got down on one knee, planned this entire thing out, and asked me to marry him. The love I have for this man is incredible. I mean it only took him four years to do it but hey I guess he had to make sure everything was perfect 😉

Heres a few more pictures of our sappy love story

Our wedding will be taking place on October 7th or maybe 14th of 2017. We are still undecided on the date and keep going back and forth. I know we’re waiting another two years before the big day but hey I’ve already got weddings booked for this coming fall! Its hard being a photographer and trying to plan you’re own wedding.

I picked out my dress already though and I can’t wait for him to see me in it. I never wear dresses so this will be a sight for all. I’m sure you all will hear about it!


Heres to many more happy memories with this man. I hope all of you have your own magical story to tell. Feel free to share in the comments!

Thanks for reading ❤

Mr. and Mrs. Browne

I met Angela and Jordan at the beginning of last year when they were in need of a wedding photographer. A few of her friends had recommended me, as I had shot some of their weddings or family sessions. When I met with Angela I knew we would be a great match!

Showing up to the hotel to see Angela getting ready on the big day was great. The atmosphere in the air was amazing. She was surrounded by so many friends and her family, you could just tell how excited they all were and how much this entire day meant to them. To feel that when walking through the door, I knew this was going to be an amazing day.

Angela had her mother and her maid of honor helping her with putting on the dress. She was such a beautiful bride!


After that we were headed over to a park in the area where she would see her groom for the first time. They decided to do a first look. First looks are something you should really consider when thinking about your wedding day. They allow for so much extra time with getting images with your spouse to be, as well as your family and bridal party. Also being able to capture that first moment between the two of you with no one else around is amazing.


The ceremony was held at St. Gerard’s Church in Lansing. Such a beautiful location! This was my second wedding I had shot there so I was pretty excited.


Let the party begin!

A few more favorites before I end

Thank you Angela and Jordan for such an amazing day. I had so much fun working with the two of you and you truly show what love really means. You can tell the way you act with each other that there’s something real there. I am so happy to have met you both and look forward to working with you more in the future!



What’s your ideal photo session like?

Have you ever thought about what you would want your photo session to be like?

Do you want it in the summer? The winter? Maybe sometime in between?

Today’s post will show case some work done throughout all seasons giving you an idea of what it is like shooting in certain seasons.


Since we are in the season right now (hopefully not much longer) here is Renae and Ryan from their January wedding in 2015! Shooting in the winter has a lot of ups and really only a couple downs.


For one, the snow is gorgeous! We don’t always get to see the snow so showcasing it in some of your images will definitely set you a part from everyone else. You can also do some fun things with the snow like Brittany and Chris are in the image below. When shooting in the snow just have fun with it! The only real downfall is how cold it can be sometimes and I suppose your feet could get wet if you’re not wearing the right shoes.




Moving on from the snow, who really likes spring here? Spring is a favorite of mine. I can kick off my boots and put on my favorite pair of ratty converse again while sporting my ankles in my new capris.

These are some of my favorite images from the spring of 2015. Plus all of these people were such a joy to work with, how could we not get some adorable spring images! What is your favorite thing about spring?



Onto those scorching hot summer days. Oh how I love summer though, everyone is just so happy in the summer. I don’t know if its the joy from being outside every weekend with their families or just the fact that the kids are on summer vacation. Either way, everyone is smiling in the summer. Plus we photographers always find a way to work around that bright summer light and give you the best photos you can imagine from the summer.

Summer is one of my favorites because that is when I get to take the most senior portraits and shoot the most weddings. Everyone loves going to the beach for their senior portraits so it gives me the chance to switch it up a bit and get creative when heading to some of the same locations. I also love the summer because that means the fair is in my hometown of Ionia. The Ionia Free Fair, the 10 best days of summer they say. I love it now that I am a photographer because I get the privilege of taking photos for families out on the midway with all of the lights and rides at night. They are so much fun! Everyone’s most requested shot is getting one done in front of the ferris wheel.

One more thing before moving onto the fall, I just love summer sunsets. The light in the sky leading up to that perfect sunset is just gorgeous light! One of my favorite times to shoot during the summer as I’m sure it is everyone else’s. Here is a little side project I did for myself, some images of my nieces just before the sunset on a July evening. I swear they could be models, they are growing up way to fast.



Onto my favorite season, Fall. Fall is my favorite not only because my birthday is in October and soon to be my wedding anniversary, but just all of the colors and that early fall light in the evening is just stunning.

Fall has got to be my busiest season in such a short amount of time. September through November is when anyone and everyone wants to get photos taken. I definitely don’t have a problem with that! I love fall photos for all of the colors, the pumpkins, the wonderful light coming out of the sky and just the atmosphere of everyones anticipation for the incoming winter months.


Well there you have it. A few examples of my work from the last four seasons in 2015. Each season has its perks for photography, if you have any questions about getting photos done in a certain month feel free to ask! As you have read above, you know what I love about each season.

February Wedding Deal!

This February, I will be offering 20% off any wedding collection for 2016-2017 weddings!

wedding flyer

So if you or someone you know is getting married in the next two years, share this deal with them! I shoot weddings in the west Michigan area but I am definitely willing to travel if you think we would make the perfect match.

I love shooting weddings. Seeing the love between two people is quite amazing. It really comes alive on their wedding day, knowing that they will get to spend the rest of their lives together as one after this special day. Weddings are full of love from family and friends, being surrounded by them on your big day is definitely something special.

One moment that I’m sure we all really love, is when the groom first sees his bride walking down the aisle or sneaking up on him during that first look. How shocked they are by the beauty of their significant others really puts it into perspective on what love can really be. Me being the one to capture it gives such honor to give that memory to my couples and have it last them a lifetime.


A few suggestions for your big day:

-Be sure to talk timeline with your photographer. You want to make sure you’re both on the same page before the big day comes. Meet with them about a week in advance to go over the official timeline.

-Go over a shot list with your photographer. This will allow the photographer to know exactly what you want and be prepared for those shots if certain equipment is needed.

-Decide how long you want to spend on family photos and your location shots ahead of time. Deciding this will help decide a full timeline for the entire day.

-Have you thought about doing a first look?! Read up on it before actually deciding. In my opinion, I definitely suggest it! It allows for us to capture more photos and gives the bride and groom plenty of images to choose from and hold onto for the rest of their lives.

-Last of all, TRUST your photographer! Don’t stress about it, let me handle it! I will be sure to capture every important moment of that day so you will never forget it!

My wedding collections start at $850. Most collections come with a complimentary engagement session. I also shoot wedding boudoir or bridals! If you have any questions please ask. I’d love to send you a digital welcome packet with all the information you need about having KB Photography shoot your wedding.

Check back throughout the next few months for more information on my wedding photography.