My Great Nephew

October 19th, 2016 a handsome little boy came into this world. My niece had her first baby and they named him Landon. He is so precious and looks just like his mamma. Of course I am the one that gets to photograph him!

We did some pictures at the hospital and of course we did his newborn photos but they just came in recently for some family pictures and a few 3 months pictures of just little man. He is such a good baby! He rarely cries and he did so well for his pictures. Most photographers know, photographing a 3 month old baby isn’t the easiest thing. They can’t sit up yet and they don’t usually like being put into weird poses like you would for a newborn session but this little guy didn’t care what we did! He loved laying on our posing bag and let us dress him however we wanted.

I just have to say I am so proud of my niece and her boyfriend. At the ages of 16 and 18 they are just wonderful parents. Sure it wasn’t an ideal time for them to have a baby but you know what, they are doing just fine! Plus now that we all know Landon, what would life be without him? He’s beautiful and I look forward to watching this little man grow up as well as being able to capture all of those moments for them. I love you guys!

With this cold weather still upon us, I am still taking on a few more studio sessions! In fact, our studio is offering Kissing Booth Minis on February 19th. We still have a few slots left for those!


DOn’t forget to check out and like my Studio’s Facebook page! We are offering 20% off prints if you get your order in by Sunday February 12th. Also, 15% off any wedding package that is booked in February!