Tustin: Class of ’17 Senior Model

Meet Tustin!

Tustin is my senior model for the class of 2017 at Chippewa Hills High School.

Tustin actually likes to get his picture taken, such a rare quality to find in a man especially at his age! We had a lot of fun yesterday during his mini session and I cannot wait for his full session this summer. He is a natural in front of the camera and he’s going to make his sessions a piece of cake for me!

Hes a very sweet young man and I think we are going to have a great time working together this year!

We started his session out on part of the River Trail in Greenville. Tustin-1Tustin-3Tustin-5Tustin-6Tustin-8Tustin-10Tustin-12Tustin-14Tustin-15

I am still looking for senior reps in the Grand Rapids area. If you attend a Grand Rapids school, and are interested in the model program, head on over to my website and read the details on becoming a senior model!



Zack: Featured Senior

Meet Zack.

Zack is an East Kentwood senior. He was my senior rep for the class of 2016. He was so much fun to work with! Such an outgoing young man with one heck of a smile!

We did Zacks photos at some of his family’s private property. We did one session in the winter and one in the fall. They turned out so great!



I was also able to get a few photos of Zack heading off to his junior prom! He and his girlfriend looked wonderful and I am so happy I was able to capture these moments for them.


I am still looking for a few Grand Rapids area senior models! If you’re interested head over to my website to check out the details.

If you book your senior session for May-August before April 30th, you’ll get a $20 print credit towards any session!

Julia: Featured Senior

This is my first post this week. I have been so busy this week that I can’t even believe its wednesday already! Enjoy these photos of miss Julia!

Meet Julia.

Julia’s mom asked me to take her senior portraits after I had taken her older sisters the year before. Julia wasn’t so sure about pictures at first but we had a lot of fun and got some really great shots!

We started her session at a local park in her home town.


After shooting at the park we decided to head to downtown Ionia. Downtown Ionia is a very historic place. The buildings are all original buildings and it is just a very cool place to shoot!


I had so much fun shooting with Julia and for her not being so sure about getting senior portraits done, she sure was a natural in front of the camera!

Now booking 2017 senior sessions! Book by April 30th and get a $20 print credit towards any package!


Meet my niece. She’s absolutely stunning isn’t she?

I met Sonja, a little over four years ago when her dad started dating my sister, she was 12 at the time. A short little cute chunky 12 year old. She’s always been beautiful but who knew in just a few short years she would grow into such a gorgeous woman! Her 16th birthday is this Friday and I can hardly believe how fast time has gone since I met her.

Enjoy some photos from our little spur of the moment shoot that we did yesterday. Its amazing what you can do with some great sunlight and your parents back yard!

Let me know what you think about these in the comments! Also, mention this post to get 15% off your senior session!

