Mr. & Mrs. Hardin

I had the privilege of photographing this adorable couple on their big day two weeks ago!

Kelley and Travis met in Greenville, MI in 2005. They dated & lived together for 5 years (2005-2010)…separated for a year/traveled ect. We reunited in 2011 and have been together ever since. We met April 2005 and having our Ceremony April 2016. They also have a beautiful little boy who came into this world not to long ago!

Kelley shared with me the story on how Travis proposed to her. It is just so sweet!  “Travis proposed on our property (We had recently purchased 12 acres of totally undeveloped land to “start our life on”). One day, we had to mark out the ‘intended driveway placement’ for city/building approval & permits… and Travis proposed there as I was placing the marker-flag. It was a big symbol of our future ‘path’, and I was totally surprised!”

Their wedding was held at the Ionia fairgrounds where they have worked most of their summers running their concessions stands. I first met Kelley and Travis as a couple at the fair when they had asked me to take photographs of them around the fairgrounds to remember their time there.

The fairgrounds is a beautiful location that the Grand River runs though. They got married right on the river with the bridge in the back ground. It was a gorgeous ceremony!


“Travis proposed on our property (We had recently purchased 12 acres of totally undeveloped land to “start our life on”). One day, we had to mark out the ‘intended driveway placement’ for city/building approval & permits… and Travis proposed there as I was placing the marker-flag. It was a big symbol of our future ‘path’, and I was totally surprised!”


Kelley and Travis decided to do a “first look” on their wedding day. The first look really gives the bride and groom a chance to be completely alone (aside from photographer of course) when they first see each other. It allowed them to have a private moment during the day where they could just talk to each other and have those special moments when the groom first see’s his bride.

In the words of Kelley “Those of you that know Travis and I, understand that ‘tradition’ is less important to us than doing what is actually best given the time and situation! Our Wedding ceremony held true to that also! We did a “First Look Session” with our Photographer and I’m so glad we did! A couple hours prior to the Ceremony, Travis and I met eachother to capture the intimate moment of seeing eachother all dressed up. These are just a few photos from the preview… I’m excited to see the rest ♡”


I can’t wait to share with them their entire album! I had a wonderful time photographing these two. You can really see how much they truly love each other. Its such a beautiful thing!

Lens of My Dreams

Well if you follow my Facebook you will have noticed that I recently got a new toy! I was finally able to purchase my dream lens after 3 years of dreaming. I bought the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8.

Let me tell you, it is amazing! I have only used it a handful of times now and have only really photographed family members or friends but I was able to shoot with it yesterday during our Easter get together and I am so in love with the images!

The people in these images mean the world to me! They are my siblings, my niece and nephew, and of course the fiancé with our baby boy.

These were just taken at my parents house in the field next to their house. I could not be happier with these images! I definitely cannot wait to start using this thing during my senior sessions and weddings!




Meet my niece. She’s absolutely stunning isn’t she?

I met Sonja, a little over four years ago when her dad started dating my sister, she was 12 at the time. A short little cute chunky 12 year old. She’s always been beautiful but who knew in just a few short years she would grow into such a gorgeous woman! Her 16th birthday is this Friday and I can hardly believe how fast time has gone since I met her.

Enjoy some photos from our little spur of the moment shoot that we did yesterday. Its amazing what you can do with some great sunlight and your parents back yard!

Let me know what you think about these in the comments! Also, mention this post to get 15% off your senior session!

