Fur Babies

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live with pets? Let me tell you it is the most amazing thing but boy do they make a mess. I’m sweeping up pet hair on a daily basis, constantly telling our puppy not to eat something, and having to deal with our older dog getting into the garbage. A phase he should be over with by now, but his jealous actions push him into doing it I think. He gets a little upset when we aren’t giving him our FULL attention, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. But with that said, we love them all just the same. I especially love trying to get great photos of them.

I want to introduce you to my fur babies. Two of which are mine, one of which is my roommates but I call him mine anyway because I love him so much. We have a black and white pit bull lab mix(we think anyway) named Wallace. He’s almost three years old, loves chasing his tail, and snuggling every morning when we wake up. Our white siamese cat, named Wilma, is almost two years old. She loves putting her butt in my face, giving daddy extra snuggles, and especially chasing the dogs around. Now my roommates dog, Poncho, he’s a seven month old white and brindle pit lab mix. He’s an oaf, weighing in at almost 70lbs. He’s going to be a BIG boy. He’s a huge lover and I think he’d rather sleep all day in our bed than anywhere else.


Being a work from home kind of gal, I get to spend every day with these three. My favorite part of the day is when I take a quick break from editing and look around my office to see all three of them sleeping on the floor. There are multiple comfy beds in our house that they could lay on but they don’t seem to want to be far from me, so I guess sleeping on the floor it is.


I tend to take a lot of photos of my pets. They always seem to know when the camera is out and trust me they hate it, Wallace usually runs the other way until treats get involved. These photos make them look so simple to photograph but it sure is a chore. Everyone on my Facebook thinks they are just so photogenic…I’ll keep it that way!


They also have some other friends such as my parents dog, Comet and my sisters dogs, Roxy and Ruby. You’ll see them pop up in a few pictures as well.




Well everyone, thanks for reading about my pets and I hope you enjoy their silly pictures! These animals are the highlight of my day, every single day. I couldn’t be happier, even when they are naughty!

If you’re thinking about getting a pet, please consider adoption! There are so many great animals out there looking for homes. But remember a pet is a TON of responsibility. They take time and effort to train. They need your love and support to survive, and they should never be left in the car on a hot day, or outside on a freezing cold day. Do your research before buying a pet, but trust me when I tell you it will be the best decision you’ve ever made!