Brown to Bailey

My fiancé and I just recently had our first photo session done that wasn’t by me or my best friend. These images were taken by our wedding photographer, Marisa Henry, she allowed me to edit them but she did a wonderful job shooting! Check out Marisa’s work on her website.

I wanted to share these because I honestly cannot stop looking at them and I cannot wait to get some of these enlarged and hung up on the walls in our new house. For those of you that don’t know, we have officially moved to Ionia. We have been living here for about a month now and we absolutely love it. I must admit, I was so nervous to move back to Ionia. I loved living in Grand Rapids, having everything I could ever need right at my finger tips. However, now that we have been here I realize I truly missed that small town living. I just love that there is not much traffic to deal with!

I was nervous moving my business back to my home town but I think it will turn into one of the best decisions we have made! My studio space is roughly the same set up, its a tad smaller but hey we are making it work out just fine! My office however, is a bit larger and it is so nice being able to have a nice little set up that people can come visit. The end goal is to be able to have clients come over and see all of their photos how I see them, on my giant computer screen in full color! I can’t wait to have my first client over once the office is completely finished (its so close!).

Any who, onto these images that I love so much. These were taken right outside of our new home. To me, that makes these even more meaningful. This is Logan and I’s first official home that we own and having images near by really makes it special. I can’t wait to marry my best friend next October.

10.14.17 #browntobailey2017


Photos taken by Marisa Henry

Make up by Cydney Robinson

All images were edited by myself, does not directly represent Marisa Henry’s image style.

Love Is All You Need

Meet Ashley and Elizabeth!

Elizabeth came to me a couple months ago asking about wedding packages. Ashley and herself really enjoyed my work so I was excited to get them their welcome packet. They came to visit me at my office to discuss some questions they had and they decided to book with me.

The next day we were chatting about their engagement session. They both attended GVSU so they really wanted to include some photos over there in their session as well as downtown Grand Rapids. Their session was beautiful! The amount of love these two shared between them was amazing. They were so full of laughs and so comfortable with each other, it really shows in their images!

Their wedding is coming up in August and I cannot wait! Its going to be gorgeous.

I hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them. These two were great to work with!


Where Am I?

Hey everyone!

It has been quite some time since my last blog. It looks like its been about two whole weeks! That is far to long for me. However it has also been a CRAZY two weeks. We are officially moved into our home in Ionia! The studio is coming along nicely as well as all the other things that come with home owner ship such as painting, remodeling, and what not. I’m sure you could believe that we still have so much to do! Heck, I’m not even into my office yet, still working at my desk out in the cluttered studio space. Oh well, I’m just happy to officially own my own home!

I’m sorry if this blog becomes a bit lengthy but I wanted to share with you a little snippet of all the things I have been doing the last two to three weeks! I have had some wonderful sessions including two weddings, some prom photos, graduation photos, and more! I must say that all of my clients have been amazing during the session and with their patience while waiting for their final images.

Here are just a few of my favorites from different sessions!





One of high schools crazy traditions that every student feels they have to attend. Well maybe not every, but most. Now days the boys and even the girls sometimes come up with all of these crazy ways of asking their boyfriend/girlfriend/friends to prom. I always love seeing the videos of these kids holding their signs or doing something crazy to ask their significant other to the dance.

This wasn’t for prom but for their “Fling” dance, whatever that is, Sonja had one of her teachers pull Konner out of class to take him to the office. They made it seem like he was in a lot of trouble but once he got down to the office, she was standing there with a cute handmade sign she made asking him to the dance. Adorable right?!

Then came prom. These high schoolers and of course their parents spend all of this money on just one night of fun. But it is one very special night in every sophomore, junior, and seniors life that they feel like they need to do. The girls of course spend all day pampering themselves. Getting hair done, nails, make up, the whole shebang just to put on this expensive but gorgeous gown so they can go out dancing for a night. Its quite spectacular really. Konner here got all spiffy in his tux and he even got his wonderful lady a beautiful corsage.

When you have a couple that has been together for quite awhile and has gone through so many memories together you can’t help but see all of that young love between the two of them. I know they had a wonderful evening and I am so glad I was there to capture some photos of these two. They look amazing dont they?!

We did these photos at Kuyper College in Grand Rapids. It was a perfect spot for a few photos, plus it was near by to the spot they got ready at. I can’t believe my niece even went to prom though! She walked up those stairs in her gorgeous dress and I about cried at how beautiful she was.

I hope you can enjoy some of these photos from their prom night last month!

Hair done by Paula Guppy. Make up by Cydney Robinson



Apple Orchard Wedding

Hey there everyone! I know lately I have been slacking quite a bit on blogging. It has been a crazy couple of weeks though!

It’s official, Logan and I will be moving back to Ionia. My old home town. I was going to wait to announce it but who knows how many of you will even read this so if only a few of you know thats fine with me! We have already taken about half of our things over to our new home, we even started painting the new studio space. Woot woot! I can’t wait to share some pictures once we get all settled and everything looking the way we want.

Any who, enough about myself, I want to share with you some gorgeous photos from the McKeown wedding! These photos were taken at Meckley’s Flavor Fruit Farm in Jackson MI. It was a gorgeous day and we got so lucky that it didn’t rain!

Nicole got her dream of being married in front of the apple trees in full bloom and let me tell you, it was absolutely stunning! Nicole and Chad met at a church in Belding and they had the cutest little proposal story!

In the words of the bride herself when I asked about their proposal “THIS IS MY FAVORITE STORY. Chad proposed by taking me on a ‘surprise picnic’. He blindfolded me in the car until we reached the picnic spot. It turned out to be the marina in Holland (I have ALWAYS wanted to go sailing). I was shocked beyond belief, and still expected nothing. After about 2 hours of learning how to sail on Lake Michigan with our captain, he suggested that we sit on the edge of the boat and enjoy the view. While sitting, he started his speech and asked me to marry him. :)”
How cute right?!

Well, lets get on with it as I am sure you’re all dying to see some of their images!


How awesome that a rainbow appeared right before their ceremony!


The amount of love between these two was amazing! You could just tell every time they looked at each other that they were meant to be. It was such a beautiful day!


I had so much fun working with these two and their families, they are just all around great and wonderful people. The entire day was planned out wonderfully and everything was so easy!

I am now booking weddings into 2017! If you are interested in a digital welcome packet, don’t hesitate to ask!

Mr. & Mrs. Hardin

I had the privilege of photographing this adorable couple on their big day two weeks ago!

Kelley and Travis met in Greenville, MI in 2005. They dated & lived together for 5 years (2005-2010)…separated for a year/traveled ect. We reunited in 2011 and have been together ever since. We met April 2005 and having our Ceremony April 2016. They also have a beautiful little boy who came into this world not to long ago!

Kelley shared with me the story on how Travis proposed to her. It is just so sweet!  “Travis proposed on our property (We had recently purchased 12 acres of totally undeveloped land to “start our life on”). One day, we had to mark out the ‘intended driveway placement’ for city/building approval & permits… and Travis proposed there as I was placing the marker-flag. It was a big symbol of our future ‘path’, and I was totally surprised!”

Their wedding was held at the Ionia fairgrounds where they have worked most of their summers running their concessions stands. I first met Kelley and Travis as a couple at the fair when they had asked me to take photographs of them around the fairgrounds to remember their time there.

The fairgrounds is a beautiful location that the Grand River runs though. They got married right on the river with the bridge in the back ground. It was a gorgeous ceremony!


“Travis proposed on our property (We had recently purchased 12 acres of totally undeveloped land to “start our life on”). One day, we had to mark out the ‘intended driveway placement’ for city/building approval & permits… and Travis proposed there as I was placing the marker-flag. It was a big symbol of our future ‘path’, and I was totally surprised!”


Kelley and Travis decided to do a “first look” on their wedding day. The first look really gives the bride and groom a chance to be completely alone (aside from photographer of course) when they first see each other. It allowed them to have a private moment during the day where they could just talk to each other and have those special moments when the groom first see’s his bride.

In the words of Kelley “Those of you that know Travis and I, understand that ‘tradition’ is less important to us than doing what is actually best given the time and situation! Our Wedding ceremony held true to that also! We did a “First Look Session” with our Photographer and I’m so glad we did! A couple hours prior to the Ceremony, Travis and I met eachother to capture the intimate moment of seeing eachother all dressed up. These are just a few photos from the preview… I’m excited to see the rest ♡”


I can’t wait to share with them their entire album! I had a wonderful time photographing these two. You can really see how much they truly love each other. Its such a beautiful thing!

Julia: Featured Senior

This is my first post this week. I have been so busy this week that I can’t even believe its wednesday already! Enjoy these photos of miss Julia!

Meet Julia.

Julia’s mom asked me to take her senior portraits after I had taken her older sisters the year before. Julia wasn’t so sure about pictures at first but we had a lot of fun and got some really great shots!

We started her session at a local park in her home town.


After shooting at the park we decided to head to downtown Ionia. Downtown Ionia is a very historic place. The buildings are all original buildings and it is just a very cool place to shoot!


I had so much fun shooting with Julia and for her not being so sure about getting senior portraits done, she sure was a natural in front of the camera!

Now booking 2017 senior sessions! Book by April 30th and get a $20 print credit towards any package!

Senior Models Wanted!

Are you a junior in high school? Do you know a junior in high school?

I am looking for senior models for the class of 2017. To be a senior model, you will represent KB Photography by passing out some rep cards at your school while getting some awesome photos and goodies along the way!

Check out the website for other info about packages and other image examples!

Senior Model Program applications must be turned in by March 15th! Find the application link in the last paragraph of this post.

Here’s the deal….

-You must be part of the 2016/2017 senior class at the high schools within 100 miles of Grand Rapids MI.

-You must be interested in sharing your experience with your friends and passing out your personal rep cards.

-You must have good sense of style and be comfortable in front of the camera. Have some sort   of social media presence i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,       ect.

-Have your parent/s or legal guardian sign your model release and be present at your session/s.

-Become a fan of KB Photography’s Facebook page and Instagram.

Read down this page to find more information on the perks of being a senior model!

You will need to fill out the application that will be at the bottom of this page! I am looking to get 2 students from each school so if you want to apply and have friends that might be interested, please send them my way. In your application you will be asked to include a photo, please send me a photo that represents you and your personality!

The main goal of being a senior model is sharing the word about myself and your experience with your photos. You are trying to help me get a few more people in my calendar and spread the word about my photos! You just get a lot of goodies in the process!!


All senior models will get a FREE 30 minute session before May of their junior year prior to their full session.

They will get to choose between 7 edits from a personal album to put on a referral card that they must hand out to their classmates! These referral cards will have a 15% off coupon on them so don’t forget to mention that to classmates!

Every time a classmate brings me a card with your name and photo on it, you will get FREE prints!

Senior models will get a FREE custom USB with print rights with whatever package they choose with between 35-50 edits.

You will be featured in a senior spotlight on my page. I will also have a photo of my choice from your session to have as the page profile photo for a week or more.

I would ask that you keep one of your photos as a profile or cover photo to help spread the word about senior portraits! With your package, you will have between 5 and 8 previews up on Facebook to use as profile photos or cover photos.


Referral Program:

1 cards- $25 Print Credit

3 cards- $50 Print Credit

5 cards-$75 Print Credit, $10 Visa Gift Card

8 cards-$100 Print Credit, $20 Visa Gift Card

10 cards- $150 Print Credit, $50 visa Gift Card

12+ cards- $150 Print Credit, $100 visa Gift Card, Custom Gift of Choice

**All sessions with cards must be booked and paid for before receiving extra prints **

Pick a package below of your choice and let’s get started on making your senior year the best of the best!

** Package Discounts:

Platinum- $250 off

Deluxe- $175 off

Premium- $100 off

Basic- $75 off

*Check Investment for full package and pricing information*

Are you intrigued yet?!

Please fill out the Application  if you are interested in becoming a senior model for KB Photography!

Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a senior model and helping out KB Photography. I will contact you as soon as I look over your application.

Remember to share the word and tell your friends!

**A $100 deposit is required upon booking your FREE 30 minute session. It will be included in your total session price and will hold your date for your full session until full payment is made.

Full payment is due the day of your full session. If you choose a package with two sessions, you can split it in half and pay half the day of the first session and half the day of the second session. There are no hidden fees, everything you see here is what you’ll get!

**All sessions with cards must be booked and paid for before receiving extra prints

