Upcoming Minis

Well once again it has taken me quite awhile to post something on here. I was doing so good at sticking with it too! But life gets busy as you all know so some things tend to get forgotten. I hope you can forgive me.

Today I want to give you all the wonderful details on our upcoming mini sessions that we will be offering at Brick Street Studio. We have a few in the next couple months and would love for you all to participate if it’s something that suits your needs. During all of these minis, Marisa and I will both be shooting giving you more time slots available to suit your busy schedules. Keep that in mind while reading about them!

Spring School Minis | March 25th

This weekend, March 25th we have our Spring School Minis. The Spring School Minis are only $25 for a 5 minute session and 2 poses. You also get a cool little book with

2 8×10’s | 2 5×7’s | 8 Wallets | 1 4×6 | 8 Mini Wallets

These school minis are a great opportunity to update your child’s picture on the wall and get some great prints in the process. If you have more than one child that you want to particiapte you can add them on for an additional $15 per child. You do get a sibling picture as well if you have multiple children!

Sign up for your mini here


Spring Family Minis | April 15th

On April 15th we will be hosting a Spring Family Mini Event. These will be hosted at a location soon to be determined. It will be somewhere local to us though whether that be Ionia or a park in Lowell.

The Spring Family Minis will be $75 for a 20 minute session with 10+ images in an online gallery OR $100 for 20 minute session with 10+ images in an online gallery and the digital downloads with a print release. Print products can be purchased separately.

4×6: $10 | 5×7: $14 | 8×10: $25 | More product sizes and options available!

Sign up for your Mini here

spring minis

Apple Blossom Mommy & Me Minis | May 13th

On May 13th we will be hosting our Mommy & Me Minis at Pierson’s Orchard in Ionia. This time of year is prime time for the apple trees to be blossoming those beautiful pink and white flowers. They are just stunning! Bring your little ones down and get some gorgeous images with them amongst the trees.

The mommy and me sessions are $75 for a 15 minute session, 5+ images in an online gallery, and the digital downloads with a print release. You can purchase the entire set of digitals (15+ images) for $50. Print products are also available for purchase.

4×6: $10 | 5×7: $14 | 8×10: $25 | More product sizes and options available!

There are only a few slots available so get yours booked today!

Sign up for your Mini here


IHS Pre Prom Minis | May 13th

I have hosted IHS Prom Minis for the last four years. I love photographing all of the lovely students in their prom attire. It is so magical seeing them all dressed up for one night of fun. We love photographing them down on Main Street and capturing that historic and beautiful look of their home town.

Prom Minis are only $30 per couple or $55 for a group of 4, $10 per person after that. You will get a 10 minute session and 5+ digital downloads with the print release. If you have a larger group be sure to let us know so we can accommodate more time for your group! There are a variety of poses that we can do such as individuals, full groups, couples, best friends, and more! These are filling up quickly so be sure to check them out and pick a time that will work for you!

Sign up for your Mini here


I hope to see you at one of these awesome mini sessions! We are excited for them to get here and excited to capture your memories that will last a life time. Be sure to check out our website for the new studio here and follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on all the new things coming up!

Katie || LHS Senior Model

Well it has been a very long time since I have posted on my blog. For that I must say I am so very sorry but don’t worry, you’ll be seeing more from me in the up coming weeks!

Marisa and I are finally moved into our studio and my computer is officially in my new office! It has been one heck of a ride with tons of hard work and a lot of late nights but it is FINISHED!

I wanted to share Katie’s session here from June that we did over at Rosey Mound Nature Center in Grand Haven. It was gorgeous out there even though we had a bit of a chilly, and windy day.

Here is miss Katie!


Isabel || Trash the Dress

The images you’re going to see in this post are of my gorgeous niece, Isabel.

I recently got some new equipment. I got an octabox and a battery pack for my Alien Bee 800. I decided I wanted to test it out with my beautiful niece here! She put on a pretty dress and went frolicking in the weeds by the studio so I could play around with a few things. I only ended up using the light for a few images, but what can I say, I love using natural light.

Isabel, my sister, and I had a lot of fun creating these images. They were just for fun for me and it gave her a little something to do on a summer night. One thing that is special about these images, her older sister wore that same dress two years ago when I wanted to test out using off camera flash. They both look just simply stunning in this dress and I can’t handle how grown up this little one is.

When I first met Isabel, she was a little dorky 8 year old who LOVED to play in the dirt. She still loves to play in the dirt but when she put this dress on, it was like a whole new child! You could tell she felt beautiful and had a lot of fun twirling about throughout the session.

Well, enough talking, here are the images she loved most from her session. Yes I let her pick them all out!


The session we decided to do with Isabel is called a “Trash the Dress” session. You can book a session like this with any senior or wedding package! And NO we do NOT have to actually trash your dress! Plus, seniors, you’re welcome to use any dress out of my style closet to wear during your Trash the Dress or Glam session!


I think the ones in the road here are some of my favorites! The light here was all natural and it is just perfect!



I hope you enjoyed these photos!

Kayli || CMHS Class of 2017

Meet Kayli.

Kayli came to me asking about my senior model program but I had already had a full list for senior models. She completely understood and wanted to book a full session with me anyway. I could not be happier with meeting Kayli and her mother and being able to work with them. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met. Plus this young woman is just gorgeous!

Prior to Kayli’s session, I sent her  a questionnaire. I love getting to know my seniors prior to their session. From this questionnaire I learned that Kayli wants to attend Alma College or Ferris State University! She is undecided on her major but as of now she’s looking into becoming a nutritionist. I love being able to see what these young kids have in mind for their future.

Kayli and I met about a week prior to her session to go over locations, outfits, and other questions they may have had about her session. Kayli and her mom decided they even wanted to add in some make up to her session. They were able to work with my make up artist, Cydney Robinson, right before getting ready to shoot. During her make up session, we pulled out her outfit choices and hung them up to see what she had. We were able to narrow down some spectacular outfit choices!


Kayli brought quite a few outfit choices. She had some of her favorite things in there, as well as a few things that she wasn’t sure about. The amount of shoe options and jewelry choices was amazing! We had so much to choose from and I was really able to help her pick out what would be best for her images. I really loved that one on one time with her prior to her session. I hope to start doing this with more clients! Please feel free to bring your outfit choices into the studio prior to your session! Kayli curled her own hair but I do have a hair stylist that we can work with if we book it in advance! Her hair looked wonderful though.

We started Kayli’s session right outside of the studio. I’ve got a wonderful field and little wooded area right next door to my in home studio. It is just beautiful and makes a great spot for photos! We then headed downtown Ionia to capture some more urban style shots and I loved her first outfit choice for the downtown shots. You just can’t go wrong with some bright red heels!


What I loved most about working with Kayli, she wasn’t afraid to try new things that I suggested posing wise. She might not have known it before but she does now, she is a natural in front of the camera! She’s absolutely stunning and I told her just to show it off, by the end that is just what she did!

After shooting downtown, we headed over to my grandpas barn. I had suggested that during her pre consultation when discussing locations and shared a few images from the barn. She really liked it and thought it seemed like a great idea. Her being from Montcalm, she let me kind of guide her to what locations I really liked and what locations I felt really would fit her style.


This girl was just so much fun to photograph. Her and her mother were willing to go wherever and do whatever it took for a great photograph. We were a bit nervous this day as it was supposed to storm all day but we could not have asked for a better lighting situation. Due to the storms, the clouds were just perfect and the lighting was magical! I had so much fun during this session, I absolutely cannot wait for Kayli’s fall session!

A few things about Kayli:

Kayli told me that some of her favorite things to do outside of school is play volleyball, power lift, hunt, and much more.

She seems to be very involved in school activities and she is such an outgoing girl.

Some of her favorite candy is Reese’s, Tootsie Rolls, and Snickers. No wonder we got along so well, these are some of my favorites as well!

She also loves to listen to Fall Out Boy, Country, and today’s hit music.


Thank you so much for such a wonderful session Kayli. I am really looking forward to our fall session and especially for your reveal of your summer session!



One of high schools crazy traditions that every student feels they have to attend. Well maybe not every, but most. Now days the boys and even the girls sometimes come up with all of these crazy ways of asking their boyfriend/girlfriend/friends to prom. I always love seeing the videos of these kids holding their signs or doing something crazy to ask their significant other to the dance.

This wasn’t for prom but for their “Fling” dance, whatever that is, Sonja had one of her teachers pull Konner out of class to take him to the office. They made it seem like he was in a lot of trouble but once he got down to the office, she was standing there with a cute handmade sign she made asking him to the dance. Adorable right?!

Then came prom. These high schoolers and of course their parents spend all of this money on just one night of fun. But it is one very special night in every sophomore, junior, and seniors life that they feel like they need to do. The girls of course spend all day pampering themselves. Getting hair done, nails, make up, the whole shebang just to put on this expensive but gorgeous gown so they can go out dancing for a night. Its quite spectacular really. Konner here got all spiffy in his tux and he even got his wonderful lady a beautiful corsage.

When you have a couple that has been together for quite awhile and has gone through so many memories together you can’t help but see all of that young love between the two of them. I know they had a wonderful evening and I am so glad I was there to capture some photos of these two. They look amazing dont they?!

We did these photos at Kuyper College in Grand Rapids. It was a perfect spot for a few photos, plus it was near by to the spot they got ready at. I can’t believe my niece even went to prom though! She walked up those stairs in her gorgeous dress and I about cried at how beautiful she was.

I hope you can enjoy some of these photos from their prom night last month!

Hair done by Paula Guppy. Make up by Cydney Robinson



Emma: Senior Model Class of 2017

Meet Emma.

Emma is my senior model from Wellspring Preparatory HS. She applied to be my senior rep and her application sounded very interesting so I was excited to meet up with her and get to know her! When she arrived at her session, I could tell we were going to have fun. She was super bubbly and such a nice young woman! Her and her mother were a lot of fun to work with.

We did Emma’s mini session downtown Grand Rapids. She is a natural in front of the camera. I feel like I keep saying that about my models but seriously, they are all so great to photograph! I wouldn’t even have to tell her to change faces or to slightly move, its like she could read my mind and would just do it! Not to mention, this girl is absolutely gorgeous!

Emma can get you 15% off your total senior portrait experience! She will have her senior model cards by the end of the week!


Chloe: Senior Model Class of 2017

Meet Chloe.

Chloe is one of my senior models for Saranac HS. The minute I started talking to Chloe about being in the model program and setting up her session, I was instantly excited to start working with her! She’s a dancer, so that made me even more excited to try some new things that I haven’t done with previous seniors.

Chloe also has her own great ideas, she’s got some great locations in mind for her session and I always love when clients bring locations to the table. It really allows me to put my own creative thought on that location while still giving them all they want by going to that location.

Chloe is an absolute blast to work with and she’s definitely been in front of the camera a few times. She’s just stunning and so natural when it comes to posing. Really making my job a piece of cake 😉

Chloe can get you 15% off any senior portrait package! She will have her model cards at the beginning of May!


DrewAnn: Senior Model Class of 2017

Meet DrewAnn.

DrewAnn is one of my senior models at Ionia HS. I really enjoyed talking with her when she first decided she was interested in the program. She is super sweet and kind hearted. She also has a huge passion for animals, as do I, so this decision was an easy one. We got along great in our initial conversation and I couldn’t be happier!

DrewAnn and her mom met me at Fallsburg Park in Lowell for her mini session. They were so much fun to work with and to talk with. DrewAnn was easy to pose and it felt natural working with her! I can’t wait for her full sessions!

DrewAnn can get you 15% off any senior portrait package! She will have her model cards at the beginning of May!


Hope: Senior Model Class of 2017

Meet Hope.

Hope applied to be one of my senior models and I was instantly intrigued by her application. She said she was really into fashion and that is exactly what I was hoping for when choosing my senior models! No matter what type of fashion they are into, just as long as they like it works for me! I got to her mini session and saw her walking towards me and was instantly in love with this look she had going on! I was so excited for these shots all throughout the session. I don’t think there was one photo that I didn’t like!

Hope is my senior model for Central Montcalm HS and she is an absolute natural in front of the camera. She is so easy to work with and just absolutely stunning at her mini session! We did her mini session downtown Ionia with all of the historic buildings and architecture, they turned out beautifully!

Hope can get you 15% off any senior portrait order! If you know Hope or go to school with her, don’t hesitate to ask her how to get that discount! She will have her senior model cards at the beginning of May!


Get 15% off your senior portrait package by talking to Hope!

Lexy: Senior Model Class of ’17

Meet Lexy!

Lexy is my senior model for Ionia HS for the class of 2017. I met Lexy last spring when her mother had contacted me about doing photos for prom! We hit it off and I immediately fell in love with working with them. When Lexy contacted me about being a senior model I couldn’t wait to accept her into the program!

We did Lexy’s mini session in the historic area of Downtown Ionia. Its an absolutely gorgeous part of the city and being that it’s my home town as well as her’s it has a lot of meaning to both of us. Some locations you Ionian’s might recognize would be the theater and the post office.

Being a senior model, Lexy can get her classmates 15% off any senior package they choose! Lexy will have her model cards come the first week of May! If you decide you want to inquire about senior portraits prior to Lexy having her cards feel free to email me and we can get that discount figured out for you!




Now booking senior portrait sessions for May-August. If you book before April 30th, you’ll get an extra $20 in print credits!