Self Portraits

There comes a time when I feel like I need to challenge myself a little. I like to do that by taking self portraits.

This past week I decided to try my hand at taking self portrait engagement photos of me and the fiancé. It is much easier to take a self portrait of two people compared to just myself. Using Logan, I actually had something to focus the camera on rather than setting up the manual focus on the spot that I might stand at.

I usually use a remote trigger but this day I didn’t have mine so we just used the timer that is already built into the camera. Let me tell you, it was tiring running back and fourth haha. Logan was such a good sport about it though, he let me pose us however I wanted and we even did three “different” locations too. We plan to take some self portrait engagement photos throughout the summer at different locations around West Michigan. I am beyond excited to try these out but of course we will most likely get engagement photos done by a professional just for the experience 🙂



My set up for these was my Canon 6D sitting on a tripod using my 70-200mm f/2.8 lens. I am so in love with this lens. Probably the best purchase I have ever made!

Are you getting married anytime soon? I still have just a handful of dates available for the 2016 year, I am also booking into 2017! Contact me to get your digital welcome packet and to go over any questions you might have! I cannot wait to marry my best friend in Oct. 2017!

3 thoughts on “Self Portraits

    1. Well thank you! Its a lot of fun and very challenging at first! My self portraits now compared to a year ago are so totally different. I love seeing what you get after you’re done and finding some good shots in the mix!

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