Mr. & Mrs.Kuipers

I had the honor of photographing the Kuipers wedding! I met Mrs. Kuipers through our photo program at GRCC. We had a lot of classes together and became good friends in school and outside of school. I remember even when she met Mr. Kuipers!

The minute I saw these two together I knew how Tyler made Aubrey feel. It was so special to see all that love between them, even in the early stages. They are two amazing people and their wedding day was absolutely gorgeous. Here are some previews from the first half of their wedding ❤

The Girls:


The Guys:


The Ceremony:


The Bride, Groom, and their party


These two are just wonderful people and I am so very happy for both of them! Shooting such a big event for people you care about is so special. I couldn’t believe Aubrey chose me to do the photos, it was such an honor to be a part of your day Mr. and Mrs. Kuipers!

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