The Proposal

Today’s post is going to be a little more personal, so beware of the sappy love writing.

As girls we always dream about that perfect man we are going to marry one day. I met my perfect man in 20o9. We didn’t start dating however until almost 2011 but we were pretty close in between there. Well could you imagine that after four years of us being together, living together, having pets together and all of that other lovey dovey stuff, he proposed.

I had been on him about proposing making not so subtle hints about it but he always seemed not that interested. He was a college kid and we were still trying to make it in life so stress could have been a factor. I’d make jokes and he would just laugh it off.

Well on October 10th 2015 that perfect man of my dreams proposed to me and I didn’t have the slightest idea it was happening. Everyone around me knew though and this guy planned the entire thing in about 4 days. I was shocked and in awe of his skills and how he pulled this off. He always has a way of surprising me, and trust me I am always beyond surprised.


The day started great. My birthday is October 11th so on the 10th Logan wanted to get some photos done for my birthday. I had mentioned to him before that we needed some updated photos. I had a shoot that morning so once I got home, my girlfriend came over to do my make up because they didn’t want me looking…well…like me, a dirty mess who doesn’t know how to do her hair or make up haha. He had our very best friend, Jordan Parham lined up to take our photos. P.S. he is amazing at what he does and you should check him out.

We got to Aquinas College, a gorgeous campus near our home, to take some pictures. We get to the first spot and Logan started spewing off all of this lovey dovey stuff about us and how much he loved me and I was so confused as to why he was doing that in front of Jordan. I thought, how is Jordan going to get any good pictures with your mouth moving but he just kept talking!

All of a sudden, I felt Logan’s hand start shaking and that instant I knew what he was doing. I was shaking my head thinking to myself “holy sh** what is happening!” (pardon my french) Next thing I knew, he was down on one knee and I was sobbing like a baby. It was the most amazing moment of my life


That man of my dreams finally asked me to be his, forever. That little butterfly feeling you get when that cute boy talks to you at school, well this was ten times worse. That cute boy got down on one knee, planned this entire thing out, and asked me to marry him. The love I have for this man is incredible. I mean it only took him four years to do it but hey I guess he had to make sure everything was perfect 😉

Heres a few more pictures of our sappy love story

Our wedding will be taking place on October 7th or maybe 14th of 2017. We are still undecided on the date and keep going back and forth. I know we’re waiting another two years before the big day but hey I’ve already got weddings booked for this coming fall! Its hard being a photographer and trying to plan you’re own wedding.

I picked out my dress already though and I can’t wait for him to see me in it. I never wear dresses so this will be a sight for all. I’m sure you all will hear about it!


Heres to many more happy memories with this man. I hope all of you have your own magical story to tell. Feel free to share in the comments!

Thanks for reading ❤

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